The Cosgrove Way


At Cosgrove we have a whole school values system called the Cosgrove Way. This includes the “Six Kinds” as seen below. While we have had the Six Kinds for many years, in 2016 we started introducing Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) and in 2017, Quality Circle Time (QCT). Both PB4L and QCT fit very nicely into our Six Kinds, which we have combined under the banner of the Cosgrove Way. 

PB4L is designed to create a school wide approach on creating a positive and safe learning environment where all children hear the same message about the behaviour we expect in and out of the classroom. 


QCT when fully implemented will give children an opportunity to express how they feel when others don’t follow the rules, without naming and shaming. This programme has proved very successful in schools overseas.  




Behaviour Management

Our behaviour management plan is based upon the following beliefs:

  • Students want to learn
  • Students benefit from positive role models and learning environments where expectations are shared, modelled and consistent
  • Students make choices about their behaviour and learn from experience that their actions have consequences
  • While we aim to meet individual needs, the welfare of staff and students will not be compromised to do this.

The school has a wide variety of programmes and opportunities to promote and affirm positive behaviour choices that support the school’s expectations.  We aim to develop students who are aware of and can work co-operatively with other students and adults.


We believe it is imperative to expect very high standards from all students.

School Values System


“At Cosgrove School we value everybody and do our best to help them to be their best”

“Ko te Kura o Cosgrove me whai tatou katoa kia mahi atu tatou mo ratou oranga pai”


This statement encompasses the values we believe in at this school.  We are teaching the students that this is not just at school, but includes our whole Cosgrove community.

Six Kinds


  • Be KIND to Yourself                                     
  • Be KIND to Others                                       
  • Be KIND to the Environment                         
  • Be the Learning KIND                                   
  • Be the Achieving KIND                                   
  • Be the Community KIND 
  • (Respect Yourself)
  • (Respect Others)
  • (Value the Environment)
  • (Seek Knowledge)
  • (Achieve your potential)
  • (Contribute positively to society)

These are six core values for becoming a person of good character and for leading a happy and successful life.  These are important to everyone at Cosgrove School.


This is a strategy we teach students to use if they become involved in a situation that they are uncomfortable with, eg. bullying, putdowns.


            W         walk away

             I          ignore

            T          talk to someone, if the problem continues

            S          stand up for yourself by using ‘I’ statements (see below)


These are not in a specific order, but used depending on the situation.  


‘I’ Statements  -         I feel ……       tell them how this action is making you feel

                                    When you…   tell them what the action is that you don’t like

                                    Because…     tell them why this action is affecting you

(eg. I feel angry, when you pinch my lunch, because I was hungry and my Mum made it for me.)

Health Promoting Schools


Cosgrove School is a Health-Promoting School, where we look to reduce barriers to student learning.  This means that we actively consider the health and well-being of students, staff and our community in everything we do.  In 2005 we attained Manuka Level for our public commitment to our school community, In 2007 we attained Kowhai level, after our Crunchy Munchy Lunches programme, successfully raising the awareness amongst our students of the importance of healthy eating.  At the end of 2010 we received our Kauri level accreditation, after showing that health-promotion is self-sustaining in our school.

We have a team of people representing different areas of the school who coordinate Health-Promoting Schools at Cosgrove.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

The Cheesecake Shop Takanini - Cosgrove School Creative Garden Early Learning Centre - Cosgrove School Fiona Senton - Ray White - Cosgrove School Punjab Palace - Cosgrove School McCormack Construction Ltd - Cosgrove School Natt Construction - Cosgrove School Dream Team Plumbing and Gas Fitting Ltd Red Timber Construction Ltd - Cosgrove School KO PEST - Cosgrove School
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