The school follows the National Curriculum objectives as set out by the Ministry of Education, which state the learning outcomes to be achieved by all students in the essential learning areas and other subjects.
The essential learning areas are Language, Mathematics, Science and the Environment, Technology, Social Sciences, The Arts, Physical and Personal Development.
In addition, extension and remedial classes have been established to assist children who need further opportunities.
A regular homework habit instils self-discipline and reinforces skills learnt at school. All children will be given homework tasks suitable for their age and ability. Class teachers will issue guidelines on the homework programme for their class.
For Junior School children, reading to them each night is most beneficial, along with giving them plenty of language experience – talk with them while you are cooking, gardening, playing games, drawing pictures, shopping - measuring, classifying, explaining and doing. Junior children will bring home reading books on a regular basis. These should be shared in a positive way with prompting of unknown words being freely given.
A number of children will undertake additional research type work voluntarily – this is to be commended. Make sure they take this in to show to their teacher.
Our well stocked library is used extensively for both class lessons as well as recreational reading. The library is open at lunch time for borrowing and returning books. We encourage all children to read for pleasure and for research.
If books are lost we ask that a contribution be made towards their replacement.
All children require a book bag to take school library books home in. This practice will prolong the life of our valuable book resources.
We encourage our pupils to participate in and enjoy physical activity along with all other school subjects. Our school is regularly involved in sports field days with local schools and interschool competitions.
We are fortunate to have a solar heated swimming pool and during summer terms swimming is an important part of our curriculum.
Other opportunities for our children include:
· School choir and participation in music festivals
· Cultural activities – Kapa Haka, Samoan, Indian and Tongan to name a few
· Speech Contest
· ICAS Maths and Science exams for selected Y5 & 6 students
Whole School Assembly takes place every Friday in the school hall. This is when class items, singing, school notices and awards are presented. Parents/ caregivers are always welcome to attend. Syndicates have separate assemblies at set times during the week.
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