Welcome to the Cosgrove School website. We trust you find the information helpful in making your decision about enrolling your child here and thus becoming a friend of Cosgrove School. Choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. By enrolling your child at Cosgrove we are confident you have made an excellent decision.
We seek to find the excellence and strengths in every child, to offer opportunities for those talents to be developed, extended, recognised and rewarded. This builds the child's self-esteem and so gives them confidence to do better in areas where they are not so strong. To do this we have developed “The Cosgrove Way,” which centres around the “Six Kinds”
Be Kind to Yourself Be Kind to Others Be Kind to the Environment Be the Learning Kind Be the Achieving Kind Be the Community Kind |
As a staff we are very aware that the early years of schooling are the most important in a child's life. This is when patterns of learning and attitudes are established that last for a life time. Because of this we are fully committed to providing the best resources we can for each room. We are also committed to providing the best possible training, staff development courses and support for our teachers. We are grateful to our Board of Trustees for ensuring a considerable budget is set aside for these purposes.
We are all very proud of Cosgrove School and we hope you will notice that this pride is evident in the attitudes, behaviour and work of our children. Cosgrove is without doubt a special school. We are blessed with happy, enthusiastic, innovative and dedicated staff. I am confident your child will thoroughly enjoy their time here.
During their time at this school, they will be exposed to good, sound teaching practice as well as innovative new ideas. We have a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy that is supported by a number of teacher aides. We have English as a Second Oral Language (ESOL) programmes and a Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP) for our junior children. Cosgrove also provides opportunities in Culture, Sport and the Arts. We have a Pacific Rim Team comprising of Maori, Polynesian and Indian culture groups and a choir that annually performs at the APPA Music Festival and other places.
We strongly believe a healthy child will learn better. Therefore, this school has a strong emphasis on ensuring the health and well-being of children. This is through, our Healthy Promoting Schools Team and a Pupil Welfare worker. In addition, we currently have a school nurse and whanau worker who work with both students and their families in the prevention of Rheumatic Fever and skin infections. We also have a Social Worker who helps children who are struggling to settle into learning and where possible works with their families. The Dental Clinic is on-site making it easier for our students and families to access, and we have Nitbuster Champions who are helping to rid our students of these pests, at no cost to our community.
As the Principal I maintain an open-door policy. If you or your child need to see me, I am available at any time and will be happy to meet with you. If you would like to offer your help in any way or would like to know more about any of the programmes mentioned, please feel free to contact me.
Gus Klein
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